[ı] ۿ WR ı
- 20211004
[2020.05 Ҵ 帰 ̸Դϴ. ʹ ı ʹ Ǿ ϰ Ű ̷ Գ.]
ø ƽð ƹ͵ µ ǻ ¥ Ӹ writing ߽ϴ.. ó..
Ӹ δٰ ۿܲ ߴµ, ù ´ٴ ƽð θô,
̰ ˷ֶ Ͻð, ߿ ϼ̽ϴ.
Ǿ µ ð ʿ ͵ ֽô ʹ ū ҽϴ.
Ŀ Թ Բ template¥ ûؼ 5 ⸦ 2,3.., template ϴ.
self speakingǿ Ÿ̶ ͼ ؼ ٽ ߴµ,
̰Ŷ Ӿ template Ϸ ߴ ū ϴ. ˾Ҵµ
Բ ϴ ϳ , ð ˷ּż ʹ ū ̰ Ǿ ϴ.
ۿ ð ְ ̶ ںմϴ!!
մϴ. writing ãƺƷ ڽϴ!!
[ 帰 ̸]
ȳϼ !! Բ ǵ лԴϴ! 4.26 ̿
ó ǻ ݺ ؼ...
۾ ׳ ϸ ~ϰ θ ϰ ִ ǰ ϱּ̰
ߴ ƿ.. ߴµ..
¥ ƿ. äڿ!
ʹ ߵȴµ ݹ ƴϰ ϴ Ŷ This supports the reading passage's argument that~ ̷ ƿ.
÷̸ Ҷ 켱 ϴ? .
б . ÷.
cooperative (feel respected),vs deadline Ű vs â ̵ .
cooperative: ÷- (deadline ϰ )-> ȭ ( ູ )
( 籸 ѰŶ ٸ ־)
1. cooperative ŵ ־.
2 cooperative ϸ feel respectedǰ have more passion in their tasks.
3. This trend is likely to bring out a better results.
4. ģ John б ð 縦 ϴ ÷̸ þҾ.
״ Ͽ 縦 ߾. ٸ ϸ ٰ ϰ Ϸ翡 Ѱ ڰ ߾.
John ǰ ؼ . ʾҾ.
He often made some excuses that he was too busy and tired after a long day at work.
As a result, his team got C in the class.
5. Fortunately, he was able to raise his score by receiving high grades in other class.
He had a group work in French culture class.
̾µ, ״ ߹´ٰ .
He spent the whole day studying for the group work, hoping that he could help for others.
6. As a result, his team got A in the classes.
7. Without the cooperative members, he could not get such a great grades.
1. ־.
2. Բ ϸ can give a feeling of comfort, security.
3. ̷ ־.
4. Susan often felt depressed thinking that her life was an exhausting routine.
She spent the whole day studying all academic subjects hoping that she could outdo others.
Also, it was difficult to make friends she could rely on since all of them seemed busy and indifferent to others.
5. Fortunately, she was able to get over her loneliness after she joined a group project in which they helped poor children learn reading and writing.
6. All of the members were cooperative and they gave her words of comfort. She was able to seek for advice and connected with them more easily,
7. If she had not met cooperative members, she could not have been able to escape from her loneliness.
ϴ 1 , ó 2ܱ ! ؼ µ ,40ʹۿ ȳƼ ߾. .. ʹ ߳
¥ Ŷ ߴµ,,,, 28̶ ҳ.. ̰ Ѱ?
¦ ..
ġ ͼ β ̳ .. ϰ ȸ 븮. .ϰ ־µ writing ְ ͼ 103 ¾ҳ..
¥ ʹ ؿ̤
ª Ⱓ ϸ鼭 ߿ templateο ƿ.
ó ׳ ܿ鼭 Ϸ ֽ Ʋ Ӹӿ ..
ٵ 2 ̶ 5 °, 3 6 ̶ ´, 1 Ǵ. ̰ Ȯϸ ȴٰ Բ ּ̾µ
״ A-b,b-c̷ ϰ ϱ ڱ ذ Ȯ Ǵ..
ƿ Ű ƿ Ŵ. ƿ ߿伺 Ҿ.
ƿ ٺ ð ʹ ٰ Ƽ Ⱦ Ѵµ, ƿ ϴϱ ξ
ϸ鼭 ι,ù° ø 123 ܿ Ǵ ͳ ϴ ſ.
1. ϴ ø մ ̶ 2 ̶ - body heat~-> white blood cell(鿪)/ increase body flow-> especially in brain->mental performance()/ have a same goal, a victory-> emotional bond(밨 ȭ)/ ø̶ (åӰ, )
̷ ο. ̷ / پ缺 ν/ ູ/ ̾ ƿ.
δ ø ܿ ſ . ü ϳ ø δ µ ƴ 帻 ߱ ִ..
(-) : 1. åӰ . (house chore (used to be lazy, made some excuses by saying that ~)2. . (lazy, procrastinate, act on impulse/, )3. ܷӴ(often felt depressed, study, diff since everyone worked as hard as she was + diff to make friends she could rely on since all of them seemed busy and indifferent to others, treating rivals,.) 4.
(+) : 1. (excel all through high school, got straight As in his classes.2 escape from loneliness(. 3. ɸ (obtain words of comfort, seek for advice, connected with others easily,) 4. پ缺
̷ ο.. ̷ ϴϱ ֽ model assay Ȯ ƿ
template ׳ ܿ ƴ϶ ϰ Ǹ鼭 ܿ 뵵 ߵǰ..
̰ 3 Ϸ ߴµ, ̰ ϰϱ ο ʹ ǰ ȳµ
ٸ е鲲 ɱ ;.. ҽϴ.
ǻ ݿ 18, 15 ¾Ҵ ̷ 28 ° Ǵٴ ʹ ູؿ..
ȸ Ǹ 30 غ ͽϴ.
մϴ! ^^
ȣ | ۾ | ȸ | ¥ | |
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